Wednesday, August 19, 2009

getting oriented

Today was the first day of orientation, and it stands out in my mind as little more than a blur of new faces walking through the humid August air, like myself, trying to make sense of the fact that their 1L journey has begun. This, punctuated by gems such as this quote from Charles Hamilton Houston: "A lawyer is either a social engineer or a parasite on society," which, together, cumulatively served as poignant reminders of the fact that I am on the right path after all.

So at this point I'm feeling confident and good, because if there's anything I want to do in this life it's to help "engineer society" in virtuous, meaningful ways. And much of the substance of today's programs re-convinced me of my ability to do that, especially once I'm armed with that TLS degree and all that I shall endure to obtain it.

I have more to share, but I'm exhausted from my efforts to take in and retain some meaningful portion of the deluge of information which swept over me today, not to mention the physical exertion of walking to and fro all the day long, and I simply must get some rest so that I can be prepared to do it again tomorrow.

More impressions will follow...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

battening down

Today marks my last day of life-before-law-school.

The maelstrom begins tomorrow with orientation; it won't be long before I'm struggling to stay afloat in a sea of legal thought, theory, writing, rules, and regulations.

In preparation of the importance of my obligation to be punctual and prepared tomorrow, I'm about to leave to make a test-run on the streetcar to get my timing figured out. Not only must I rely on public transportation to get me to campus on time - a heretofore alien concept - but I must then walk approximately half-a-mile from the streetcar stop to Weinmann Hall. And I don't yet know how long all of this is going to take me. Of course, once I figure that out I'll be departing the house earlier than I think I should the first couple of times, until I feel more comfortable with the reliability of the streetcar's timetable.

Otherwise, I must finish my started-but-not-yet-completed orientation reading assignments, and pick out a "business casual" outfit (as suggested by TLS) for Wednesday which will be cool and comfortable but still make for good first impressions.

Then, there will be little left to do but wait for tomorrow to come and for this Big Thing I've been so eagerly anticipating to actually happen. Chamomile tea will certainly be necessary to help me prepare myself mentally without too much worry.