And it is from this vantage point that I watch the hours of the day, and the days of the week, and the weeks of the month pass me by.
My days begin around 6am with a round of sun salutations, even though the sun cannot be seen from within our little basement apartment. Then I pack myself a healthy lunch, and blend up a healthy liquid breakfast in the form of a fruit-soymilk-lowfat yogurt-and flaxseed-smoothie.
After getting dressed and double-checking that I have all required books for the day as well as weather appropriate accessories, I head out to catch the 7:15 streetcar. Sometimes I miss it, and end up on the 7:25 streetcar instead. Other times I'm early enough to get on the 7:05 streetcar.
But I'm always on campus by8am. I stop off at my locker where I stow away my lunch and any reading materials that aren't immediately necessary. And, depending on the day, I either head directly up to my 5th floor carrell, or to class at 8:30. If it's an 8:30-class-day, then I'll be in the library by 10am.
And there I settle in, unpacking my bag and spreading my personalty about the carrell like strategically placed soldiers. As I read and think and write the hours pass by. At the appointed times I pack up and go to class, or go eat lunch in the courtyard when hunger strikes, but then I'll retreat once again to this safe place of quiet and solitude until the day is done and I retire to the comfort of home, hubby, and kitties. (And even there I must diligently continue to read and write and think about the law.)
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