Such has been my life as of late. It started last Friday evening, with the Krewe of Oshun parading down The Avenue. Since then, 16 more parades have passed by mere yards from my home. And on Tues (Dat Tuesday!) we walked down to Lee Circle to see yet another parade: the Saints’ triumphant march through the old, faithful, tired streets of New Orleans. It was quite a sight:

With quite the crowd...

And fighter jets, too!

So it goes that my first Mardi Gras has almost come to an end. Tonight marks Lundi Gras, with two more parades and partying all night into the morrow: Mardi Gras, the day for which the entire carnival season has been culminating. After Zulu, Rex, Elks, and Crescent City roll tomorrow, the 9 days of parades will come to and end. As of Wednesday, Lent - the lean season of sacrifice and fasting - will then be upon this city. It couldn't end sooner, in my humble opinion. It was fun, at first, watching the spectacle. There is something truly special and unique about this city during this time. But there's only so much spectacle one need experience in the span of two weeks. For my part, I’ll be ready and willing to embrace the sombre spirit of Lent, thanks to the knowledge that another round of law school final exams lies just around the corner...
And, of course, secure in the knowledge that next year will bring another round of spectacle with another Mardi Gras.
Tonight, however, ‘tis bacchanal revelry or bust!
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