Tuesday, August 28, 2007

so it begins

The new semester is off to a smooth start. I believe I’ll thoroughly enjoy all of my classes that I’ve thus far attended. The only class I have yet to attend is my philosophy 101 class, which meets only once a week on Thursday evening, and since classes started last Friday, this Thursday will be the first meeting of that class.

Once I’ve been to all of my classes I’ll post my impressions and expectations of each. In the meanwhile, I have studying to do if I hope to stay ahead.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

new semester's eve

Tomorrow marks the official beginning of my last semester as an undergraduate. Yay!

As for today, I had a conversation that resulted in some food for thought…

Husband and I were discussing computers and microchips and transistors. Before long the conversation had moved to digital vs. analog computing. The interesting conclusions reached were (1) I am an analog computer, and (2) digital technology represents one of those revolutions that will forever change the way humans exist.

Both of these ideas demand further consideration and investigation.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

a recurring theme

Science and society.

Technology and culture.

I can't stop thinking about these things. Every day in every way I am reminded of the primacy of this line of investigation.

The relationships of human-created material technologies to socio-cultural technologies are vastly complex, weaving immensely tangled webs throughout the history of my human family.

Material and socio-cultural technologies exist together as symbiotic creatures, each taking what it can from the other and in doing so influencing the development of one another.